Date of publication :2020-11-05 14:45


  • 孩子的好习惯需要慢养

  • 角色表演"他""我"

  • 习惯成自然,好习惯好自然

  • 相信孩子就是相信自己



我戏精附身,和他玩起来了分心小怪兽的游戏:我一字一顿地念出“分心小怪兽”的名字,慢慢悠悠地模仿小怪兽说话——希望你可千万不要好好吃饭,这样就不会长高长大,以后就只能由弟弟领着走。他很快被刺激,认真吃了一会儿,但又喜欢上这个游戏,于是故意做出分心的模样,引导我的表演。我做作地快步跑向他,看他得意地拿起筷子塞了一大块牛肉到嘴里,我浮夸地表现出受到一万点伤害的样子,仓惶逃脱,演技逼真到把弟弟二肥都吓哭了。有时候我跑近了他也没动作,很可能是陶醉在了我的表演中,我就闭上眼睛,特意就给他空间做出反应。果然,他吃一大口,然后得意地看我痛苦逃跑的样子。游戏时,小肥喜欢要求我们闭上眼睛,享受的是当我们再睁开眼睛时惊讶的反应。这一点在Dr L.CohenPlayful Parenting《游戏力》的作者)的书中得到了印证:给孩子留下表演的空间,享受看到父母惊喜的表情。

小肥创作:正面"分心小怪兽"牌; 背面小怪兽"败北"而逃! 很早以前讲故事提到过"败北"这个词,小肥还能想起来用到这里是真的让我惊喜。小肥宣布:做成黄牌警告的样子是为了爸爸妈妈从此以后可以出示提醒他



Hongxia Fu
Hongxia, mother of Florentin and Marius, holds Master Degree in French Literature and Culture at the University of Xiamen (China) and at the University of Lyon 3, and Master Degree of Entrepreneurship at EM Lyon Business School. Having been a professor of French language at the Dalian University of Foreign Languages, Tianjin University of Foreign Languages, and at Alliance Française in Tianjin from 2009 to 2012. Mrs. Fu continues her life and career in Lyon in France, in the language and cross-cultural education, as well as in operation of Sino-French commercial and cultural projects. Fascinated by the reciprocal development of children and their parents in a good parenting relationship, she devotes herself in the research and best practice of early childhood language development and the management of time and priority. "It's my honour to be invited by hihilulu, an excellent platform in the initiation of the Chinese language in young children, to share, through the journals I have been writing since 2014, the joys and success, frustration and relief. I would lke to communicate, share my experiences with parents like me, who not only want to support and guide children in learning Chinese language, but also in building good attitudes and healthy habits that will be essential and beneficial to throughout their life. "