Date of publication :2020-07-30 13:56

橙子老师继续和小营员们沉浸hihilulu中文工坊虚拟夏令营! 这是她们的课堂短视频先睹为快吧!



生活中, 小营员们用中文分享了自己一家如何营救了一只从树上掉下来受伤的小八哥的故事。

小朋友一家给这只小八哥起名"嘟嘟", 和小营员分享了如何学习喂食小鸟、如何帮助小鸟学飞行......她用自己创作的画和诗歌记载了一只美丽的迷失的小八哥的一生, 也用充满爱的语言记载了自己人生里一次关于生和死的纪念。 

小朋友并不非常熟练但是生动的中文表达不仅展现了孩子们丰富的感情和创意的思维, 也同时激发了其他小朋友讲述自己故事的激情。 

鼓励孩子不怕犯错误大胆表达,鼓励孩子相互分享交流并自然习得一门语言是hihilulu 的核心理念之一。 

hihilulu 中文工坊夏令营的理念:

25% 主题动画和故事

25% 的自我发现和认知

50% 通过富有想象的语言运用达到水到渠成的语言自然习得

欢迎家长们带着孩子加入我们沉浸式中文夏令营。 下周的主题是健康的生活

点击此处,一键了解详情, 清凉 轻松一夏!

Tags: 沉浸式中文夏令营主题动画和故事艾米和咕噜
Miss Mandarine, a teacher of Chinese as a foreign language, loves Chinese language teaching and gets super well with children. Though Miss Mandarine humbly considers her a “newcomer”, she already teaches Chinese as a foreign language for five years!!! Besides teaching Chinese in a relatively large Chinese language school in Paris, Miss Mandarine is also in charge of hihilulu Chinese pilot project and its “ Ambassador Program” in France. She has a “transitional” style in teaching Chinese by combining the advantages of traditional Chinese teaching and the new methods of the E-learning Era. She wins a nick name of "Magic Mandarin" from her students. Miss Mandarine advocates mobilizing students' language interest, helping students discover their inner consciousness through languages and culture discovery. Miss Mandarine’s blog will share the problems and interesting phenomena encountered in teaching Chinese as a foreign language and will record her swelling journey in the form of teaching notes. Welcome to Miss Mandarine’s Chinese wonderland!