Chinese Atelier at Centre Actif Bilingue of Fontainebleau
Date of publication :2022-04-04 20:38

Centre Actif Bilingue at Fontainebleau is one of hihilulu partner schools in France. As one of the leading and pioneer bilingual schools, CAB offers students various activities and opportunities to access foreign languages at early age. 

Starting from 2021, CAB and hihilulu together offer 3 types of workshop or courses to students who have different interests and purposes in learning Chinese. 

Supported by hihilulu Atelier platform of homework and hihilulu application of Chinese contents for children, hihilulu Chinese atelier:

  • Provides Chinese language initiation to beginners
  • Prepares students who shall choose Chinese as second foreign language in middle school by using Chinese character-based (字本位) methodology
  • Cultivates global awareness of diversity through language learning. 

Example of Initiation Program Summer 2021

Example of Character Reading Program Summer 2021

hihilulu Atelier creates an in-class and after-class Chinese language environment, as well as easy access for children who are non-native Chinese.

At the Active Bilingual Center, children of different Chinese level, whether they are completely beginners, or they speak Chinese fluently, whether they are French, Chinese or Franco-Chinese, they have all found their place and their pleasure in this thematic and immersive workshop. 

Draw & Speak Exercise 

Our teachers use an adaptive teaching method to deal with diversity and create an immersive learning environment through creative activities and interaction between the children themselves.

There are Chinese calligraphy and painting, the stories of Chinese characters, Chinese classical music and poetry, and various cultural topics and traditions... Children see with their eyes, listen with their ears, touch with their hands, taste with the tip of their tongues, go with their experience an authentic Chinese atelier! 

Chinese Character Reading through Pictogram 

Hands-on dumpling session 

Engaged team work 

Through cultural themes, aesthetic education, craft activities, culinary recipes and interactive exercises, hihilulu atelier helps children learn Chinese language and experience Chinese culture with fun! 

2022 Spring Break Program   

Contact CAB or 


What's hihilulu atelier? 

hihilulu Atelier offers blended learning of Chinese language to young children between 3 to 12 ys old. 

As an "all-in-one" digital platform for the fun learning of the Chinese language, it provides tools, programs and content for Chinese teachers and young Chinese learners.

5 easy steps

- Immerse young learners in thematic and animated Chinese content

- Provide teachers variety and interesting interactive exercises in addition to the hihilulu workshop coursewares

- Track progress instantly through student homework platform

- Guide children do speech training at home through AI enhanced voice recognition technology 

-Track and measure the progress with over 3000+ self-assessment questions

Tags: cabvacation campchinese coursechinese atelierafter school program
hihilulu is the first Chinese content streaming platform for kids, offering cartoons, interactive games and personalized services, helping children learn Chinese in a natural way. Through our Progressive Learning System®, we aim to create an immersive Chinese environment that helps young children and their parents everywhere succeed in learning this difficult language!