圣诞倒计时 动画接力看🎅
Date of publication :2020-12-03 10:45

🎅 24 部主题中文动画, 24次快乐学习之旅!🎅 

hihilulu和您的孩子一起倒计时,等待圣诞老人🎅 到来的日子!

hihilulu圣诞节数码倒计时日历给你不一样的体验和等待, 陪伴您的孩子们一起快乐地了解圣诞节的各种有趣故事!


2020/12/01: 每周单词 圣诞节/Christmas

2020/12/02: 汤姆拖车和汽车城的圣诞节

2020/12/03: 奥利薇的圣诞全家福 

2020/12/04: 梦幻动物园的圣诞节

2020/12/05: 路易教我画圣诞树 

2020/12/06: 山顶动物园-北极熊圣诞营救计划

每天一个惊喜! 每日快乐中文进阶!             

Tags: 圣诞礼物路易小兔子拖车汤姆快乐学中文圣诞主题中文动画
hihilulu is the first Chinese content streaming platform for kids, offering cartoons, interactive games and personalized services, helping children learn Chinese in a natural way. Through our Progressive Learning System®, we aim to create an immersive Chinese environment that helps young children and their parents everywhere succeed in learning this difficult language!