Date of publication :2020-06-09 13:16

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编者语: 汉字很难写是儿童学习汉字中的通常现象也是让学习者泄气的一个障碍。 怎样能让孩子牢固地掌握写法,还能愉快地学习呢?这里是红霞老师体会和建议。 

近来教小肥写汉字似乎陷入了瓶颈,汉字很难写,怎样能让他牢固地掌握写法,还能愉快地学习?最重要是老母亲的情绪也很重要,是不是? 新近发现了Hihilulu的识字卡板块,提供了许多汉字的联想图片,并绘制了简化版的象形文字。我颇受启发,于是开启了陪练新模式。图一是他画的,图二是我画的。










小肥读 des haricots verts 时做了联诵,我告诉他:这里的h是aspiré, donc pas de liaison。他恍然大悟:Ah, je sais, c'est comme un aspirateur qui aspire le "s". 我先是一愣,作为专业的法语教师,多年来教学生细读嘘音和哑音,却一直没有深究过 "h, aspiré" 的原始意义,今天竟以这么自然的方式被孩子发现了。我如获至宝,赶紧找本记下,一旁的小肥得意地一字一字地给我做听写。


Tags: 理解联想记忆写汉字画画
Hongxia Fu
Hongxia, mother of Florentin and Marius, holds Master Degree in French Literature and Culture at the University of Xiamen (China) and at the University of Lyon 3, and Master Degree of Entrepreneurship at EM Lyon Business School. Having been a professor of French language at the Dalian University of Foreign Languages, Tianjin University of Foreign Languages, and at Alliance Française in Tianjin from 2009 to 2012. Mrs. Fu continues her life and career in Lyon in France, in the language and cross-cultural education, as well as in operation of Sino-French commercial and cultural projects. Fascinated by the reciprocal development of children and their parents in a good parenting relationship, she devotes herself in the research and best practice of early childhood language development and the management of time and priority. "It's my honour to be invited by hihilulu, an excellent platform in the initiation of the Chinese language in young children, to share, through the journals I have been writing since 2014, the joys and success, frustration and relief. I would lke to communicate, share my experiences with parents like me, who not only want to support and guide children in learning Chinese language, but also in building good attitudes and healthy habits that will be essential and beneficial to throughout their life. "