春令营high翻天, 第二周更多精彩主题不容错过!
Date of publication :2021-04-15 16:06

hihilulu Atelier 线上春令营第一周很快就要过完了!


第一周, 小朋友们探索了复活节、清明节、垃圾回收等主题。

不管是初学浅尝还是助力提高听力和口语能力……每个人都在hihilulu Atelier在线春季营找到适合自己的中文工坊!

四月19日,在线营第二周,将呈现文化传统、虚拟的中国世界遗产之旅、4月20日的联合国中文日庆祝活动,4月22日的地球日主题活动…位置有限, 立刻注册

hihilulu Atelier Online Camp倾心为孩子们打造一个基于主题事件,话题聚焦,虚拟但沉浸式的中文语言环境!

hihilulu is the first Chinese content streaming platform for kids, offering cartoons, interactive games and personalized services, helping children learn Chinese in a natural way. Through our Progressive Learning System®, we aim to create an immersive Chinese environment that helps young children and their parents everywhere succeed in learning this difficult language!