在家学中文: 中文主题动画打卡
Date of publication :2020-06-04 18:25

新冠学校关闭期间 管理初中以下年纪的孩子是每个家庭的大问题。 不能和在学校一样,在网课屏幕之间保持同样的学习长度和频率, 也不能放羊。 我看到朋友圈里的妈妈都开始做严格的时间管理计划。 嘻嘻和噜噜除了跟随法国教育台的节目学习, 完成老师的作业外,就是参加橙子老师的中文动画主题打卡活动。

橙子老师以21天为一个学习周期,每天推荐两到三集分别是5分钟和10分钟的动画, 然后提出主题关键字进行练习。 


今天我开会, 就让她们自己看橙子老师推荐的内容和练习, 并承诺等我忙完, 再和她们一起看一次动画。 结果她们大受鼓舞,在我边上安静看完动画, 在平板上玩hihilulu里的听说读写游戏训练 ,然后就自己拿了从hihilulu 平台上下载的今天的关键词 动物森林, 开始又(下次我们来聊一聊hihilulu的线上线下写字工具)。

我开完会后, 她们给我展示了自己的大作。 最近噜噜也大受启发, 不仅开始画, 而且把自己爱编故事的特长也发挥出来了。 于是, 我决定让她们各自讲讲自己的写画作品,就有了下面的视频。

她们的画各有风格, 想象的路径也不同, 我看到64号动物园的影子, 也看到艾米和咕噜的梦幻风格。 她们的用词和表达虽然还有瑕疵, 但是有这样的中文表达欲望, 这样的想象力,不愁中文不能成她们的母语(创业的初衷啊 !)

我给她们打了超额完成橙子老师任务的分。我也超级喜爱骑着车旅行的檬克 亲子动画时间是再好不过的奖励和陪伴!


Tags: 沉浸式中文学习亲子时间进阶延展式学习看动画学中文中文动画
Jennifer Huang
Mother Founder of hihi & lulu
Jennifer is a mother of two little princesses, half angel half demon. When they were born in Paris, she was simply captivated by their angelic beauty, but was also wondering how to offer them the magical gift of Chinese language and culture. The responsibility for transmitting such a gift is not without difficulty of course! She has faced a lot of challenges to convince her daughters about the magical power of this special gift, and has worked hard to build a wonderful multilingual world, in order to help them to enjoy this precious gift of Chinese language. Dived into multilingualism and early childhood language education, she was magically transformed into a woman entrepreneur (mampreneur) and created hihilulu ... A fairy world where learning is synonymous with fun and reveals each child's linguistic talents, with incredible creativity, all in playful learning! Travel now with Jennifer, accompanied by hihi and lulu, slowly growing up in this open-minded and multilingual world!