Cool 中文沉浸虚拟夏令营出发了!
Date of publication :2020-07-09 15:56


来来来, 和我们一起来一场虚拟中国行,体会她绚丽的文字、好吃的食物、和壮美的自然风景!

参加 hihilulu 沉浸式虚拟夏令营倾情打造的4人小团,只为今夏不能远行的3-10岁的小朋友:

你的课程 & 活动: 每周一个主题沉浸了解中文之美,2/5 或者 5/5 天; 每天一课或一活动,自然有趣,学会中文场景运用

你的导游: 专业中文老师, 带你边"走"、边看、边玩、边学

Learn Chinese hihilulu Application 夏令营期间免费使用,尽享海量中文数字内容和线上线下混合的中文碰撞

点击此处,一键了解更多详情,让爸爸妈妈可以 清凉 + 轻松一夏!


Miss Mandarine, a teacher of Chinese as a foreign language, loves Chinese language teaching and gets super well with children. Though Miss Mandarine humbly considers her a “newcomer”, she already teaches Chinese as a foreign language for five years!!! Besides teaching Chinese in a relatively large Chinese language school in Paris, Miss Mandarine is also in charge of hihilulu Chinese pilot project and its “ Ambassador Program” in France. She has a “transitional” style in teaching Chinese by combining the advantages of traditional Chinese teaching and the new methods of the E-learning Era. She wins a nick name of "Magic Mandarin" from her students. Miss Mandarine advocates mobilizing students' language interest, helping students discover their inner consciousness through languages and culture discovery. Miss Mandarine’s blog will share the problems and interesting phenomena encountered in teaching Chinese as a foreign language and will record her swelling journey in the form of teaching notes. Welcome to Miss Mandarine’s Chinese wonderland!