开学好礼: 收心中文工坊!
Date of publication :2020-08-22 12:29

九月在望,您准备好开工了吗? 孩子准备好重返学校了吗? 大洋两岸,世界各地, 反应不同。 

我们的虚拟夏令营就要接近尾声了(点击此处查看夏令营的课堂短视频), 为了感谢世界各地的辣妈辣爸和可爱的小营员们在炎炎夏日里对我们的陪伴和支持, 我们特别为小朋友准备了三节免费收心+热身中文工坊:


不管东西南北风怎么吹, 疫情还会怎样变化, 我们相信生活要继续,学习不会停止#neverstoplearning! 


别忘了保存下面的hihilulu 三语识字卡 "学校/school/l'école" 哦!

集少成多, 积水成流。新学年,不见不散。

Tags: 收心课主题中文工坊开学礼物线上中文课
hihilulu is the first Chinese content streaming platform for kids, offering cartoons, interactive games and personalized services, helping children learn Chinese in a natural way. Through our Progressive Learning System®, we aim to create an immersive Chinese environment that helps young children and their parents everywhere succeed in learning this difficult language!