Date of publication :2020-08-20 13:42


其实, 这些看起来奇怪的习惯都源于中医对阴阳和体气通畅的理解。

传统中医有上千年的历史和实践, 研究和记录了很多植物、花草、和食物的热性或者说凉性,亦或温性特征。 这些特征并不一定和它的温度有关, 倒是和它的氧化程度有关。 传统习惯里夏季喝一些低氧化程度的花草茶热饮反而可以长时间的保持身体的清凉并且去夏毒、排汗、保持血液循环通畅。冷饮一时一刻凉爽, 热饮却能保持长期的阴阳平衡。 


1. 绿茶是未发酵茶,保留了很多天然活性成分, 通常被视作凉性饮品, 有抗氧化、排毒和抗癌的功效。 目前是西方环保人士的流行标识饮品之一. 


2. 荷叶茶: 夏日清荷爽心又爽目, 微苦、性甘凉、淡淡清香。  取新鲜荷叶不用发酵,晾干切片入沸水, 加入几朵玫瑰和一勺蜂蜜,即去暑还美容, 是美眉们的追捧。 


3. 绿豆汤: 绿豆性凉,绝对是邻家和自家夏季最爱的食品。简单、经济、实惠! 熬一锅绿豆汤, 温温时加入一点冰糖! 儿时放学回家的清凉记忆,城市上班族等待的祛暑安康。 

何妨在追逐一时清爽的冷饮的同时, 拾起传统的良方? 不仅保一夏清凉,还拥有健康平衡的舒畅!

最后, 橙子老师提醒您----还有两周我们的线上主题夏令营就要结束。赶紧来报名, 温故知新,酷酷地迎接新学年哦!


Miss Mandarine, a teacher of Chinese as a foreign language, loves Chinese language teaching and gets super well with children. Though Miss Mandarine humbly considers her a “newcomer”, she already teaches Chinese as a foreign language for five years!!! Besides teaching Chinese in a relatively large Chinese language school in Paris, Miss Mandarine is also in charge of hihilulu Chinese pilot project and its “ Ambassador Program” in France. She has a “transitional” style in teaching Chinese by combining the advantages of traditional Chinese teaching and the new methods of the E-learning Era. She wins a nick name of "Magic Mandarin" from her students. Miss Mandarine advocates mobilizing students' language interest, helping students discover their inner consciousness through languages and culture discovery. Miss Mandarine’s blog will share the problems and interesting phenomena encountered in teaching Chinese as a foreign language and will record her swelling journey in the form of teaching notes. Welcome to Miss Mandarine’s Chinese wonderland!